Bouquet Subscription
*2025 Bouquet Subscriptions will go Live March.20.2025*
There’s no better way to enjoy our Manitoba summer than a fresh, local flower bouquet bi-weekly! You can enjoy this yourself or it works great as a gift that keeps on giving!
Our bouquets change each week as the garden does. You can expect a natural, gardeny bouquet filled with gorgeous blooms. Some varieties you may see include dahlias, zinnias, lisianthus, snapdragons, rudbeckia, statice, scabiosa, sunflowers, cosmos, strawflower and more! Part of the fun is never knowing what you’ll get.
All pick-ups will be on Wednesdays, starting either July. 9 or 16 Bi-Weekly until September. 3 or 10. You will be contacted in June regarding your starting date.
This year we are offering Bi-weekly bouquet subscriptions in 2 sizes, for a total of 5 Bouquets:
- Large - a standard bouquet size to fill your vase
- Small - the perfect bundle to fit in a jar
There are 2 pick-up locations:
- Winnipeg: TBD
- Morris: 163 Boyne Ave. E. (van der Linde Residence - 8am-2pm)
- My hope is always to use 100% flowers I’ve grown myself, but I am reliant on Mother Nature, so if I’m unable to produce enough then I will supplement from other local growers or Canadian blooms.
- Let me know if this is a gift and I can send a virtual gift certificate!